COVID-19 Taskforce

of the COVID-19 ad-hoc taskforce
Update members regularly on new initiatives at national and European levels to support EU companies related in particular to: Payroll, Real-estate, Tax, and Liquidity support
Engage with EU policy-makers to promote solutions identified by the sporting goods industry to support our sector
Organize solidarity webinars for exchanging information
List members’ initiatives to: Promote physical activity at home, and Help authorities in fighting Covid-19 (e.g. exceptional production of medical PPE)
Create a collaborative forum of discussion with all actors of the distribution/supply chains, to address orders, supply, stocks, seasons, real estate. Those stakeholders include but are not limited to: Retailers, Manufacturers, Landlords/real estate organizations
FESI calls on people to stay physically active to protect their health and well-being during coronavirus outbreak
Brussels, 23 March 2020 The COVID-19 crisis has affected the EU and its Member States in a sudden and dramatic manner, with an unprecedented impact on the health of European citizens. FESI, the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry, would like to commend...
FESI calls on the EU and Member States to support the European Sporting Goods Industry
Brussels, 23 March 2020 FESI strongly welcomes the EU economic policy response to COVID-19 and calls on Member States to swiftly implement the proposed measures Amid the extraordinary health and economic crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19, FESI is calling on the...
Mapping of COVID-19 national measures
Click HERE to see FESI Overview of COVID-19 national measures regarding shops, schools, sanitary guidelines, sport, and ski resorts
FESI is gathering different information resources to help its members cope with the COVID-19 crisis
- European Commission Regulation as regards creation of a Solvency Support
Instrument (29 May) - European Commission’s new EU budget proposal for 2021-2027 and Recovery plan for Europe (27 May)
- European Commission Banking package to facilitate lending to households and businesses in the EU (28 April)
- European Parliament joint motion for a resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences (16 April)
- EIB Group establishes EUR 25 billion guarantee fund to deploy new investments in response to COVID-19 crisis (16 April)
- European roadmap towards common lifting of containment measures (15 April)
- Council adopts amended EU budget for 2020 (14 April)
- Commission Statement on consulting Member States on proposal to further expand State aid Temporary Framework to recapitalisation measures (14 April)
- Eurogroup (Council) agrees on €500 billion economic policy response package to the COVID-19 pandemic (9 April)
- European Central Bank adopts a package of temporary collateral easing measures (7 April)
- European Commission and European Investment Fund (part of EIB Group) unlock €8 billion in finance for SMEs (6 April)
- European Commission waives customs duties and VAT on the import of medical equipment from non-EU countries (3 April)
- European Commission SURE initiative: €100 billion to keep people in jobs and businesses running (2 April)
- European Commission Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (13 March)
- European Commission Temporary Framework for state aid (19 March)
- European Commission’s Communication on the Activation of the “general escape clause” of the Stability and Growth Pact (20 March)
- European Central Bank new Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (18 March)
- European Investment Bank €40 billion response to the pandemic (16 March)
Useful links:
- Access to finance
- Enterprise Europe Network
- DG GROW web portal on Coronavirus Response
- European Commission Q&A: Global EU response to the coronavirus pandemic
- European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) COVID-19 industrial clusters response portal
- EU COVID-19 Data Platform to rapidly collect and share comprehensive coronavirus research data
- European Commission guidance on Customs issues related to the COVID-19 emergency (19 May – revised version)
- European Commission guidance on lifting internal border controls (13 May)
- European Commission guidelines for COVID-19 tracing apps (13 May)
- European Commission new export authorisation scheme for personal protective equipment (PPE) (24 April)
- EU-OSHA guidance on coming back to work after coronavirus (24 April)
- European Commission Guidance on Apps supporting the fight against COVID 19 pandemic in relation to data protection (16 April)
- European Commission EU toolbox for the use of mobile applications for contact tracing and warning in response to the coronavirus pandemic (16 April)
- European Commission narrows down export authorisation requirements to protective masks only and extends geographical and humanitarian exemptions (14 April)
- European Commission Recommendation to support exit strategies through mobile data and apps (8 April)
- European Commission guidelines asking Member States to end export restrictions or bans on medical products (8 April)
- European Commission guidance on medical device (3 April )
- European Commission practical guidelines on the application of the EU public procurement framework (1 April )
- European Commission Recommendation on conformity assessment and market surveillance procedures within the context of the COVID-19 threat (16 March )
- European Commission Q&A on Conformity assessment procedures for protective equipement (30 March )
- European Commission Guidance on export requirements for personal protective equipment (3 April) + frequently asked questions (1 April)
- European Commission’s Guidance to help increase production of safe medical supplies (30 March)
- European Commission Guidance on Customs issues related to the COVID-19 emergency (30 March)
- European Commission Guidelines on Facilitating Air Cargo Operations during COVID-19 outbreak (26 March)
- European Commission’s Guidance to ensure continuous flow of goods across EU (23 March)
- European Commission Communication on the implementation of the Green Lanes under the Guidelines for border management measures to protect health and ensure the availability of goods and essential services (23 March)
- Transport measures restrictions per Member State
- WHO recommendations on how to Be Active during COVID-19 (27 March)
- European Commission #BeActiveAtHome campaing (2 April)
- French Sports Ministry guidelines on how to practice sport at home (FR only)
- Sport Austria recommendations on Sport
- Luxembourg initiative Aktiv Doheem
Since the beginning of the crisis, the sporting goods industry has mobilised and adopted a series of solidarity initiatives to help communities across Europe and the world cope with the crisis.
From the promotion of physical activity to maintain the health of citizens, to the production of protective equipment for health workers and donations: below are some of the main actions of our sector.
- adidas Training by Runtastic app: 90-Day free membership for 3 months (March-June).
- adidas/Reebok Bokskids Programm: BOKS utilizes both digital (Facebook/Youtube channels) as well as print materials (Fun Packs, brain breaks – BURSTS , yoga & mindfulness activities) to make physical activity simple in a home setting. Every week day there are FREE facebook live sessions at noon EST.
- Decathlon Coach app (Union Sport & Cycle): for free.
- Nike Training Club: Premium app is free until further notice.
- Puma and FizzUp app: Premium app is free until 16 May 2020.
- Reebok CrossFit ONE: Free fitness program on Youtube
- Reebok Home Workouts and Wellness Tips: Free web portal
- Nike – Masks: Nike’s innovation, manufacturing and product teams have come together to provide for an urgent need: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the form of full-face shields and powered, air-purifying respirator (PAPR) lenses to protect against the coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Salomon – Masks: Salomon is manufacturing 90,000 multi-layer masks in collaboration with French manufacturer Chamatex.
- Chiruca – Material (Afydad) : the company Chiruca, together with other companies, workers and – volunteers from the city of Arnedo, are manufacturing sanitary material.
- Decathlon – Masks: blocks the sale of Easybreath masks to the general public and reserves the available stock in priority for healthcare personnel and rescue teams.
- Joma – PPE and donation: Joma has made its sports equipment and some of its capital goods available to institutions and health authorities. Its 3D printers are making 40 mask headsets a day, which will be used as part of the individual protection equipment for the health workers who attend to Coronavirus patients in the country’s hospitals. It has also donated raincoats and slippers to the health personnel.
- New Balance – Masks: New Balance has engaged a portion of its skilled and innovative U.S. manufacturing workforce to develop face masks to address the significant demand for these supplies.
- Slastik – Masks (Afydad): Slastik distributed1,500 masks to hospitals, residences and police stations.
- Trangoworld – Masks (Afydad): Trangoworld is donating masks to the closest hospital they have in Zaragoza.
- Buff – Donation: Original Buff has donated 10,000 euros to Igualada hospital, which have been used to buy a high-tech video laryngoscope to treat patients in Covid-19.
- Keen Inc – Donation (EOG): Keen donated 100,000 pairs of shoes—about $10 million worth—to the workers on the front lines and the families at home fighting through the coronavirus crisis.
- New Balance – Donation: New Balance Foundation committed $2 million in nonprofit grants in response to the COVID-19.
- Nike – Donation: Top leaders and the Nike Foundation are committing more than $15 million to COVID-19 response efforts.
- Nike – Donation: Nike Inc. will provide an additional $1.6 million to help local organizations meet immediate needs, such as food assistance and medical care, in key cities and communities around the world where its employees live and work.
- Salter – Donation (Afydad): The manufacturers of fitness equipment Salter has made a financial contribution to Hospital Clinic from Barcelona.
- Ternua – Donation (Afydad) : Ternua has donated healthcare material to hospitals in the Basque Country.
- Thomas Wellness – Donation (Afydad): Thomas Wellness has created the website for donations, so that those who want to collaborate can make their contributions. So far it has raised capital to buy about 66 respirators and deliver them to hospitals.