Moving Together for a brighter future

About FESI:

The Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI) is the pre-competitive platform representing the interests of the sporting goods industry in Europe, advancing its members’ priorities and promoting initiatives that benefit the sector, EU citizens and the society as a whole.

Located in Brussels, at the core of the European institutions, FESI is the unique stakeholder that provides sporting goods companies with the possibility to leverage their expertise into one steady and coherent voice in Brussels, allowing them to benefit from the many advantages offered by the EU’s single market of nearly 500 million consumers.

FESI represents the interests of approximately 1.800 sporting goods manufacturers (85% of the European market) through its National Sporting Goods Industry Federations and its directly affiliated member companies. 70-75% of FESI’s membership is made up of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. In total, the European Sporting Goods Industry employs over 700.000 EU citizens and has an annual turnover of some 81 billion euro.

Latest news:

FESI calls for EU due diligence rules that work for all

FESI calls for EU due diligence rules that work for all

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) introduces obligations for companies with global value chains with an aim to enhance sustainable practices. However, the directive’s complexity raises significant challenges including inconsistent regulatory...

Our working committees:



Product Compliance

Corporate Responsibility
