Brussels, 17th of May 2024

The consortium of partners from the “Healthy Lifestyles for Europe” (HL4EU) project is thrilled to announce the publication of its Call for Action: “Enabling Cross-Sectoral Approaches for Healthy Lifestyles in Europe.” Comprising a diverse range of leading NGOs and sector representative bodies from the physical activity, outdoor, sport, mobility, health, patient and caregiver sectors, HL4EU unites around a shared goal of combating non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and promoting healthier lifestyles.

Driven by collaboration and evidence-informed approaches, HL4EU seeks to further environments conducive to healthy living and to catalyse transformative change, notably by supporting a preventive approach to health. The Call for Action underscores the importance of physical activity in NCD prevention, management and care. NCDs stand as the leading cause of mortality throughout Europe, where they account for 90% of all deaths and 80% of the health burden.

Today’s Call for Action outlines specific steps to be taken by stakeholders and emphasises the need to embrace a holistic approach to address the root causes of NCDs. By integrating efforts in healthcare, education, urban planning, access to physical activity and policy development, we can create environments that promote and sustain healthy lifestyles for all.

A healthier future evidently requires collective action. We, therefore, invite all committed stakeholders to endorse this Call for Action and join us in calling on the European Union to enable and foster greater cross-sectoral approaches to healthy lifestyles across Europe.

As partners in the HL4EU project, we are committed to advocating for policy reforms, empowering communities, and championing cross-sectoral initiatives in the field of sport and physical activity,” said Jérôme Pero, Secretary General at FESI. “Our collective efforts aim to drive meaningful change and improve public health outcomes across Europe.” he added.

Co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, HL4EU notably aims to strengthen the sustainability and legacy of the European Commission’s ‘HealthyLifestyles4All’ campaign and provide support to future European policy initiatives in this direction. During the 30 months duration of the project, the project partners will develop a dedicated stakeholder platform, identify and share good practices of cross-sectoral collaboration, and provide input for future policy developments on the topic through a set of policy recommendations. Through collaboration and concerted action, we aspire to create a healthier and more resilient Europe for generations to come. Mark your calendars for the project’s next milestone: the Community Building Conference on 5 November 2024 in Brussels, gathering supporters of the Call for Action and stakeholders committed to making healthy lifestyles a reality for all!

For more information about the HL4EU project and the Call for Action, please visit


About FESI: Founded in 1960 FESI, the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry, is the unique pre-competitive platform representing the interests of the sporting goods industry in Europe, advancing its members’ priorities and promoting initiatives that benefit the sector, EU citizens and the society as a whole. FESI represents the interests of approximately 1.800 sporting goods manufacturers (85% of the European market) through its National Sporting Goods Industry Federations and its directly affiliated member companies. 70-75% of FESI’s membership is made up of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. In total, the European Sporting Goods Industry employs over 700.000 EU citizens and has an annual turnover of some 81 billion euro.

Media contact: Ariane Gatti – FESI Communication & Policy Manager / [email protected] / +32 (0) 2 762 86 48